Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Loadin11

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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Loadin11
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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by jablay07 Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:28 pm

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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Language: english
Medicine: present
Size: 51,5 Mb

Nik Software Complete Collection - Is the most complete collection of plug-in from one of the best manufacturers of plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop. Complete Collection includes the full set of plug-ins for Adobe ® Photoshop ®: Dfine 2, Color Efex Pro 3.0, Silver Efex Pro 1.003, Sharpener Pro 3.0, Viveza 1, Viveza 2. With these plugins you can adjust the clarity of digital image, perform color correction, retouching, styling, get rid of any type of noise in the picture, brightness, adjust the contrast and color saturation of individual objects or areas of the photograph.

The composition of the collection:

Nik Software Sharpener Pro
Sharpener Pro - a professional plug-in Adobe Photoshop, designed to adjust the image sharpness in digital photographs. Allows you to work with 16-bit images without the need for translation in 8-bit. The preview area allows you to while working to see how the quality of photos depending on the application effects. The plugin works with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, as well as with any graphics editor that supports work with filters and plug-in Adobe Photoshop.

Features plug-in:
Creating an accurate and selective control of field
The updated mechanism for the final adjustment of sharpness can produce images found on almost any device and media - on-screen, with inkjet printers, in full-color printing, screen printing, etc.
Increased sharpness of fine details and textures with new structure, focus, and local differences of tools for drawing attention to desired areas of an image

Nik Software Color Efex Pro
Color Efex Pro - a large collection of photographic filters, which are designed to improve your digital photos. The package includes more than 50 filters, and 250 different effects. They help to perform color correction, retouching and many other operations. The interface package is executed in the style plug DigitalFilmTools with the possibility of increasing the size of the window and viewing of images before and after applying the selected filters and effects.

Features plug-in:
52 filter, and 250 different effects for better photographs
The unique U Point technology allows flexibility to adjust some parts of the image
New filters: Film Grain, Film Effect, Glamour Glow, Selective Contrast, High Key, Low Key, Polaroid Transfer, Cross Balance
Selection Tools (Selective tool), allows you to apply effects only to the selected image area

Nik Software Silver Efex Pro
Silver Efex Pro - an excellent new plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, which allows styling of contemporary photo artists to perform digital image under stylish black and white pictures. In automatic mode, the program converts the color image to black and white. The user can perform a more fine-tuning, for example, choose one of two dozen ready-made styles, use color filters and other tools.

Features plug-in:
Quick pastiche of color images in black and white in the automatic mode
Using the built-in color filters
Adjusting brightness, contrast and structure of the image
Using ready-made presets
The unique technology of U Point, which allows flexibility to adjust some parts of the image

Nik Software Viveza
Viveza - an excellent plug-in that extends the functionality of a set of tools for editing digital images in Adobe Photoshop. With this application users can adjust the brightness, contrast and color saturation of individual objects or areas of the photograph. The program will allocate the necessary objects and creates masks in the automatic mode, thus allowing professionals to work more productively.

Features plug-in:
Adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation of the selected image
The unique technology of U Point, which allows flexibility to adjust some parts of the image
The incredible speed of the plug
Selection Tools (Selective tool), allows you to apply effects only to the selected image area
Integration of Smart-Objects in Adobe Photoshop
Preview the results on screen before printing.

Nik Software Dfine
Dfine - amazing plugin for Adobe Photoshop, allows you to get rid of the noise of any type on your photos. The secret of the filter is that it helps identify the source of artifacts and on the basis of this information offers solutions to the problem. In just a few clicks of the mouse program will save a photo from the noise in the automatic mode, in addition, you can independently adjust the settings for a more optimal result.

Features plug-in:
Automatically remove noise from photos
Customize the settings manually for a more optimal result
Plug profiles for each type of camera
The unique U Point technology allows flexibility to adjust some parts of the image
Selection Tools (Selective tool), allows you to apply effects only to the selected image area


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Join date : 27.12.09
Age : 40
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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by penze Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:35 pm

plugin paling mantav neh... Smile

Join date : 28.12.09
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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by Cumimaseng Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:40 am

^^ keren juga yah.. multifungsi gtu y kang?? nice share kang!!

Join date : 17.01.10

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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by Feirha Tue May 11, 2010 7:58 pm

kang kalo uda habis donlod...trus dmasukkan kemana ni softwareny????
saya pake PS2 Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 985554


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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by elR09 Wed May 12, 2010 8:07 pm

kang dilokalin dong.....
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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by whedhee Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:01 pm

link dah dahh ga ada brooo....
tolong di upload lagi donk...

Join date : 30.09.11

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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by rayend Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:47 am

mana link....???

Join date : 18.09.11

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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by reza_bebe Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:33 am

Linknya mana kang? Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 711618
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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by Alghozali Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:55 pm

reza_bebe wrote:Linknya mana kang? Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 711618
udah dead link nya, (cek aja pas dibawah bacaan download)
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Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop Empty Re: Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop

Post by reza_bebe Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:08 am

Alghozali wrote:
reza_bebe wrote:Linknya mana kang? Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 711618
udah dead link nya, (cek aja pas dibawah bacaan download)

Soalnya bnyak yg btuh plugins ini di PS Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 985554
Ane udah dapet kang link nya dari forum tetangga war*

Nik Software: Complete Suite Plugin for Photoshop

Tolong diupdate di atas ya kang momod Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 985554 Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 488 Nik Software Complete Collection for Adobe Photosop 985554
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Join date : 22.01.12
Age : 32
Location : Merak - Bandung Rp.60.000,00-
Tim Favorit : FC Barcelona & PERSIB

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